Scabs With Hair In Hair Transplant

Scabs With Hair In Hair Transplant 

Scabs With Hair In Hair Transplant | Hair Fall Out With Scabs | 

How To Remove Scabs Easily ? 

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Scabs After Hair Transplant '

If You have done hair transplant and now your scabs are going to shed with hairs so there is a questions comes that why my hairs are falling at this stage (After 7 Days ).So People thinks that my grafts are shedding but don't worry it is perfectly fine.As Doctors suggest that shedding of hairs with scabs is absolutely normal ,as hair's follicle are gone but there root are still there inside the scalp and your grafts are absolutely safe .So when your scabs are shed with hairs you just take care that you will not harsh at this time .

Image result for Scabs With Hairs' In Hair Transplant

How To Remove Scabs Easily ? 

Scabs Removing is one of the precautions that you have to remove very gently ,Just apply Shampoo  head and rub it gently (Don't use nails /scratch /or harsh rub),Use your FingerTips When applying shampoo .Make Sure you don't dislodge the grafts.As You also use the saline solution to remove your scalp it will more help to reduce the scabs  .Your scabs can shed after 7 days till 14 days and slowly it will be completely gone. As Every scabs has small little hairs with in it ,at the time of surgery ,scabs are emerged out due to dry blood.Just Like a injury recovery,Listen all the prescriptions Provided by the doctors as first 10 days are very important after hair transplant. 

Note : If The haitrs are shed without bleeding so you must not be concerned or take any stress about it ,as it is the part of Hairs Transplant.


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