Beauty And Confidence
Beauty And Confidence | Importance Of Beauty
Every woman wants to be beautiful in her whole life. As Beauty doesn’t stay for whole life but its dream of every woman to look beautiful till the end phase of the life. Beauty doesn’t give us only look good but it gives us so much confidence to stand in the community. People who think they are beautiful they consider themselves of high status just because of their physical beauty, as a result, they beat others easily in the game of confidence. And if the person is confident, there are more chances of that person to select for a job just because of their confidence which comes from the beauty or they have better chance to find out their dream jobs. Less Beautiful women always seem to be Jealous of other Beautiful Women’s. And only from that point of view more beautiful women beat them in every stage where beauty requires.
Now a Days Women are heavily Dependence on the cosmetic products as they want to be more beautiful and use different products for their beauty. Women are one of the main consumers of the cosmetic industry. Women can’t live without makeup as they know the importance of makeup in their life.
Researchers reveals that beautiful women’s gets higher pays than other women
almost about 20%. Researchers also said that Attractive women’s working
incorporates more prefer than boys. However, there is also a statement made
that corporates want the ratio of boys and girls equal.
According to the attractiveness halo effect theory, people associate good traits with
attractive people before they even come in contact with them.
A study has shown that attractive people were rated more socially
successful, more financially successful and happier than unattractive
people by people who saw them for the first time. Ultimately the conclusion is that
the Beauty is Confidence.
Very helpful review regarding hair and beauty. Many of these questions I regularly use but you reminded me of some others - the prediction question and overcoming the urge in particular - which I shall revisit. Useful summary to share with.